Girl Heads!

HELLO INTERNET. So I, Gumi, fixed the heads page due to major complication. It has 5 sections:

  1. Without Extensions
  2. With Extensions
  3. Halloween (spoopy)
  4. Christmas
  5. Dolliees

So Most of it were edited by the admins but I think some of them aren’t but I’m not very sure who is the original owner. If you are going to edit any of these heads and post it in your blog, please give credit to us 🙂 Thanks and we hope you enjoy the heads ^^


Without Extensions


temmiebadtimebunssredorangeyellowgreenBluepurplePinkblondebrownblack-ishhalfup1 halfup2 halfup3 halfup5 halfup6 halfup7 halfup4braidbunbangs-blondekittyhumanbraid-bluekittyhumanbraid-redkittyhumanbraid-brownkittyhumanbraid-purple omggumi IMG_4948editsophierecolor4editsophierecolor2editsophierecoloreditsophiedolly (1)pinkawesomenessash1redawesomenessash1blackawesomenessash1grayawesomenessash1ashawesomeness1awesomenessash2redwootwootorangewootyellowgreenwootmintwootpurplewootpinkwootwootblackwootHead EditHead Edit Recolor RedHead Edit Recolor PurpleHead Edit Recolor BluePersonal 3kyuuuuutpersonal.png (1)IMG_4568IMG_4567blue-head-edit-cuteonesidelonger-pinklucy-headedit-smallfaithspurple-copy-3curlyponytail-blackcurlyponytail-brownifrostedit2

With Extensions:

finalasdfbraidblondebraidblondebraidgraybraidgray4kem (1) cttwingedit (2) smars cttwingedit-5 chead_smhead1 smbody grayhead graybody redheadjapan  blackheadredbody  kawaiiheadblackbody  mergedheadgurl1 bodymergedheadgurl1 woog p

Spoopy Heads

New Head CreepyZombie-edited-humanhumantohorroredithumantohorroreditblueHalloweenGurl1IMG_4584aweeeeemuffetarminheadrinkawaiifaceundyneee

Christmas Heads

bbows bbowsslbbows lpbows pbows


Dolly-ish heads(?)

headelfcatpurpleshort braidponytailblack1 bluecatelf1 purplecatelf1 redcatelf1 greencatelf1IMG_0138 IMG_0140IMG_0139 suchqtgoldredheadpurplegreen



2 thoughts on “Girl Heads!

    • lunamoon4123 says:

      first of all, thank you ❤ u r also amazing no matter what. and we've always had problems with that body. i think its because of the fact that doll bodies aren't allowed anymore (as what i have heard). but thank you for trying and telling us that putting transparency doesn't work ❤

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